
Shedding a lot??

Find out why your dog looses its hair and what normal shedding behavior is.

Dog Shedding

Author: John Williams Dog Training

Dog shedding can be a big pain in some households, and depending on how disciplined you are about your dog clambering around the furniture the fur mess can be more than expected sometimes, and can get absolutely everywhere.

Dog shredding happens as a result of a few different situations, the first and common in all breeds of dogs is to make way for a new shiny coat every now and again, and to get rid of dead hair that is no longer needed. Another cause for shedding is seasonal changes like some breeds are used to in their natural habitat, in theses situation there can be lots of hair being dropped at an almost worrying rate twice a year, but it is actually quite normal for this to happen.

If you are worried about how much hair your dog is loosing, then do some research or go to the vets and find out the different types of dogs that get affected by this seasonal change. In rare cases loosing large amount or fur can be caused by a poor diet and insufficient amounts of vitamins to keep the fur alive. All these can be answered by your local veterinarian.

If you are tired of all this fur and the effects of your dog loosing its coat, keeping your dog well groomed will help to stop the spread of hair and keep your dogs coat healthy at the same time and is always recommended to stop knots or matted hair along with keeping your dog healthier and happier.

To summarise, if you are worried about your dogs shedding and have looked to find the shedding habits of the breed of dog you have then visiting a vet is the best option and they will be able to give you a more in-depth analysis of the situation after an examination of your dog and keep your mind at rest about the health of your dog.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/dog-shedding-256088.html

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